Hai friends, I am very happy, because I will introduce myself. I want to they know about me.
My name is Yunitasari Annisa, usually my family call me Yunita or Nita. They can call me Tata,, because my friends in the my school call me Tata.
I have parents, and they are very love me. I also have two brothers kid. They are naugthy, but I am very love theme.
My hobby are write story, listen music and I prefer Korean music, taiwan and Japang. And I have hobby play internet. I like internet, because I can get news. And I can expression myself in the blog.
I like tradisional food of Indonesian. Although, I like Korean, Taiwan and Japang but I still Love my country. And later, I want to devote oneself to my country is Indonesian……..hahaha…..lebay saya ini.
I don’t like mouse, spider,insect and I don’t like falseehod.
Sebenarnya, kalau kuliah nanti aku mau kuliah dipertambangan, tapi ibuku mau aku kuliah jurusan kedokteran. Walaupun bukan cita-citaku, aku harus mengikuti kehendak ibuku. Mungkin hanya itu yang bisa sedikit membayar utang-utangku kepada ibuku yang merawatku dari kecil. Dan aku berharap aku bisa masuk IPA seperti yang diharapkan kedua orangtuaku.
Ohya……I was born in Palangkaraya city, 17june 1994. aku anak perempuan satu-satunya dikeluarga kecilku. Aku anak pertama juga lho…..berat lho jadi anak perempuan satu-satunya sekaligus anak pertama. Soalnya, aku harus menuruti ibuku yang selalu menyuruhku untuk pake rok padahalkan aku gak suka habisnya ribet. Terus aku juga suka disuruh masak, padahalkan kalau masak itu jadi bau sambal pokoknya bau bumbu dapur deh. Nah kalau jadi anak pertama, aku harus selalu mengalah sama adik-adikku, dan aku harus selalu bisa ngertiin keadaan orangtua. Yah, pokoknya susah and ribet banget deh…
Dalam hidup aku punya prinsip dan selalu berpegang teguh pada prinsipku itu.
Aku tidak mau menulis prinsipku di blog, yah walaupun judulnya all about me.
Nah, ini adalah primbon yang sudah aku salin ke blog.
Selamat membaca……***
Primbon by Yunitasari Annisa
Class: X-2
Guys, invitation there invitation card, invitation yang langsung diucapkan ( I don’t know translate to english…..hehehehe). dan ada invitation resmi.
Invitation card usually use for invite people to party. And invitation card usually use bahasa sehari-hari.
Invitation yang langsung diucapkan biasanya digunakan untuk undangan umum, misalnya open house, hala bihalal di masjid etc.
Selain itu masih ada lagi jenis invitation yaitu invitation resmi, invitation ini digunakan untuk undangan resmi, seperti halal bihalal dikantor, ulang tahun sebuah perusahaan etc.
Example of invitation card
Dear Eva…….
Let’s have fun at my birthday party. Please come to my house on Sunday june 17 2010, at 7 p.m
I won’t happy without your comming.
Thank you…..
Yunitasari A.
Definition of appointment:
Appointment tells about agreement for meeting. It is good to make an appointment before you meet someone or people.
Making an appointment:
I want to make an appointment to see…(mr. Leteuk)
I’d like to make an appointment to see…(ms. Yunita)
Can I come and see you?
*I’ll be there
*what about…(Sunday)
Example: after school
Yunita : Leeteuk, I have a serious problem. I need to talk to you. Could we meet today?
Leeteuk: what time?
Yunita: after the session
Leeteuk: o.k I’II be there
Accepting an appointment:
· all right, see you there
· no problem, I’m free on…..
· be there on time
· I’ll wait for you
· It’s a deal
Cancelling an appointment
· I’m terrible sorry I have to put of my appointment
· I’m sorry I’m verry busy
· I’m afraid l have to postpone my appointment….tomorrow morning
Changing an appointment
*what about…..(Sunday at 07.00 p.m)
*Is that o.k, if we meet at 01.00 p.m
*well, l must be off now. I’ll talk to you later!
*could we change the scedule of the meeting?
Nah guy’s…..that’s litle about appointment.
Come on guy’s we will next to HAPPINESS EXPRESSION
What is the happines expression??? ^_^
Happines expression is an expression that is used to show that someone or people are glad have excited felling.
If we happy, we can say to express…..
*friends I’m happy…..
* I’m (very) pleased or (really) deliighted (about)……
* I can’t say how pleased/delighted I am about it…..
* I am so glad to hear that
Usually if I am happy, I will sing…..because I like sing and I know if my voice is not good……tapi cuek aja lagi….toh gag buat orang-orang pada mati yang denger suara aku…hehehe….kalau lagi happy aku juga semangat untuk mengerjakan tugas sekolah dan rumah….hidup bahagia…..hidup happy….
Nah teman, itu adalah pengertian tentang HAPPINES EXRESSION…..
Untuk lebih mendalami tentang happines expression kalian harus mengalami sendiri karena happines expression merupakan perasaan yang dimiliki setiap manusia dan cara pengekspresiannya berbeda-beda dan itu tidak bisa dipaksakan……..hehehehe sok tua yach saya ini….
The example expression of gaining attention:
· Attention please
· May, I have your attention, please?
· Excuse me look here!
· Listening to me, please
· Waiter?
· I’m sorry but I will go
· Wow really?
Gaining attention, use simpe present tense
And we give attention or affection to people.
Examle of giving attention:
- Are you alright/o.k?
- What’s wrong with you?
- Do you?
- Really?
- Are you?
- Did he?
- Nice dress?
- Is that it?
Practice of gaining attention:
Konsumen: waiter?
Waiter: yes, mis. Can I help you?
Practice of giving attention:
Yunita : Eva, you look like pale. Are you alright?
Eva : I think I’ve got temperature.
Yunita : really? Let me take you to the school clinic
Eva : o.k. thanks
The definition of sympathy expression:
Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we know and see someone or people are unluckly or have trouble and in bad condition. By expressing sympathy we want to show our concern or carefulness on other people’s condition.
How can we give sympathy expression to someone?????.....
We express it directly to him/her orally or we can use a letter or card by post also by short message service (sms).e-mail,television,radio and news paper if he/she who got the trouble is far from us.
Several expression of sympathy:
- I’d like to express my deepest conndolences
- I’m sorry to hear that
- I’m awfully sorry about…..
- Oh, how awful!
- Oh,dear!
- You must be very upset
- Oh, what a same
- How pity you are
- Ow terrible/awful for you
Practice of symphaty expression:
Yunita : hi Eva, will you join us to the beache
Eva: I’d love to,but my mother doesn’t let me go
Yunita: that’s a pity. But it’s o.k. you can join us another time
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