Hai friends, I am very happy, because I will introduce myself. I want to they know about me.
My name is Yunitasari Annisa, usually my family call me Yunita or Nita. They can call me Tata,, because my friends in the my school call me Tata.
I have parents, and they are very love me. I also have two brothers kid. They are naugthy, but I am very love theme.
My hobby are write story, listen music and I prefer Korean music, taiwan and Japang. And I have hobby play internet. I like internet, because I can get news. And I can expression myself in the blog.
I like tradisional food of Indonesian. Although, I like Korean, Taiwan and Japang but I still Love my country. And later, I want to devote oneself to my country is Indonesian……..hahaha…..lebay saya ini.
I don’t like mouse, spider,insect and I don’t like falseehod.
Sebenarnya, kalau kuliah nanti aku mau kuliah dipertambangan, tapi ibuku mau aku kuliah jurusan kedokteran. Walaupun bukan cita-citaku, aku harus mengikuti kehendak ibuku. Mungkin hanya itu yang bisa sedikit membayar utang-utangku kepada ibuku yang merawatku dari kecil. Dan aku berharap aku bisa masuk IPA seperti yang diharapkan kedua orangtuaku.
Ohya……I was born in Palangkaraya city, 17june 1994. aku anak perempuan satu-satunya dikeluarga kecilku. Aku anak pertama juga lho…..berat lho jadi anak perempuan satu-satunya sekaligus anak pertama. Soalnya, aku harus menuruti ibuku yang selalu menyuruhku untuk pake rok padahalkan aku gak suka habisnya ribet. Terus aku juga suka disuruh masak, padahalkan kalau masak itu jadi bau sambal pokoknya bau bumbu dapur deh. Nah kalau jadi anak pertama, aku harus selalu mengalah sama adik-adikku, dan aku harus selalu bisa ngertiin keadaan orangtua. Yah, pokoknya susah and ribet banget deh…
Dalam hidup aku punya prinsip dan selalu berpegang teguh pada prinsipku itu.
Aku tidak mau menulis prinsipku di blog, yah walaupun judulnya all about me.
Nah, ini adalah primbon yang sudah aku salin ke blog.
Selamat membaca……***
Primbon by Yunitasari Annisa
Class: X-2
Guys, invitation there invitation card, invitation yang langsung diucapkan ( I don’t know translate to english…..hehehehe). dan ada invitation resmi.
Invitation card usually use for invite people to party. And invitation card usually use bahasa sehari-hari.
Invitation yang langsung diucapkan biasanya digunakan untuk undangan umum, misalnya open house, hala bihalal di masjid etc.
Selain itu masih ada lagi jenis invitation yaitu invitation resmi, invitation ini digunakan untuk undangan resmi, seperti halal bihalal dikantor, ulang tahun sebuah perusahaan etc.
Example of invitation card
Dear Eva…….
Let’s have fun at my birthday party. Please come to my house on Sunday june 17 2010, at 7 p.m
I won’t happy without your comming.
Thank you…..
Yunitasari A.
Definition of appointment:
Appointment tells about agreement for meeting. It is good to make an appointment before you meet someone or people.
Making an appointment:
I want to make an appointment to see…(mr. Leteuk)
I’d like to make an appointment to see…(ms. Yunita)
Can I come and see you?
*I’ll be there
*what about…(Sunday)
Example: after school
Yunita : Leeteuk, I have a serious problem. I need to talk to you. Could we meet today?
Leeteuk: what time?
Yunita: after the session
Leeteuk: o.k I’II be there
Accepting an appointment:
· all right, see you there
· no problem, I’m free on…..
· be there on time
· I’ll wait for you
· It’s a deal
Cancelling an appointment
· I’m terrible sorry I have to put of my appointment
· I’m sorry I’m verry busy
· I’m afraid l have to postpone my appointment….tomorrow morning
Changing an appointment
*what about…..(Sunday at 07.00 p.m)
*Is that o.k, if we meet at 01.00 p.m
*well, l must be off now. I’ll talk to you later!
*could we change the scedule of the meeting?
Nah guy’s…..that’s litle about appointment.
Come on guy’s we will next to HAPPINESS EXPRESSION
What is the happines expression??? ^_^
Happines expression is an expression that is used to show that someone or people are glad have excited felling.
If we happy, we can say to express…..
*friends I’m happy…..
* I’m (very) pleased or (really) deliighted (about)……
* I can’t say how pleased/delighted I am about it…..
* I am so glad to hear that
Usually if I am happy, I will sing…..because I like sing and I know if my voice is not good……tapi cuek aja lagi….toh gag buat orang-orang pada mati yang denger suara aku…hehehe….kalau lagi happy aku juga semangat untuk mengerjakan tugas sekolah dan rumah….hidup bahagia…..hidup happy….
Nah teman, itu adalah pengertian tentang HAPPINES EXRESSION…..
Untuk lebih mendalami tentang happines expression kalian harus mengalami sendiri karena happines expression merupakan perasaan yang dimiliki setiap manusia dan cara pengekspresiannya berbeda-beda dan itu tidak bisa dipaksakan……..hehehehe sok tua yach saya ini….
The example expression of gaining attention:
· Attention please
· May, I have your attention, please?
· Excuse me look here!
· Listening to me, please
· Waiter?
· I’m sorry but I will go
· Wow really?
Gaining attention, use simpe present tense
And we give attention or affection to people.
Examle of giving attention:
- Are you alright/o.k?
- What’s wrong with you?
- Do you?
- Really?
- Are you?
- Did he?
- Nice dress?
- Is that it?
Practice of gaining attention:
Konsumen: waiter?
Waiter: yes, mis. Can I help you?
Practice of giving attention:
Yunita : Eva, you look like pale. Are you alright?
Eva : I think I’ve got temperature.
Yunita : really? Let me take you to the school clinic
Eva : o.k. thanks
The definition of sympathy expression:
Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we know and see someone or people are unluckly or have trouble and in bad condition. By expressing sympathy we want to show our concern or carefulness on other people’s condition.
How can we give sympathy expression to someone?????.....
We express it directly to him/her orally or we can use a letter or card by post also by short message service (sms).e-mail,television,radio and news paper if he/she who got the trouble is far from us.
Several expression of sympathy:
- I’d like to express my deepest conndolences
- I’m sorry to hear that
- I’m awfully sorry about…..
- Oh, how awful!
- Oh,dear!
- You must be very upset
- Oh, what a same
- How pity you are
- Ow terrible/awful for you
Practice of symphaty expression:
Yunita : hi Eva, will you join us to the beache
Eva: I’d love to,but my mother doesn’t let me go
Yunita: that’s a pity. But it’s o.k. you can join us another time
Giving instruction is an expression that is used in order that other person does what we instruct or rquest.
The difference between request and instructions.
Instruction ( also called imperatives )
Instruction require the person receiving them to do something or to do stop doing it. Instructions are one of the few types of english sentences that do not need a subject. The subject is usually “you” ( understood ). If there is any doubt who should do the instruction , the “naming” from-the vocative is used.
Request are often questions, though indirect requests may not be. Sometimes an instruction is changed into a requests by the addition of please or a question tag. To make a requests more polite we might use the subjunctive from of the verb. Very often english request are indirect. Instead of asking someone to do something. The speaker asks if the person is able to do it. Therefore modals of ability ( can,may etc )are very often used.
Announcement is something said,written,or printed to make know that has happened or ( more often ) what will.
In writing an announcement, keep the following pants the title / type or event, date / time,and contact person.
We can find announcement an television,radio,news paper,wall magazine in school, etc.
Characteristic of announcement:
*use simple present tense or simple future tense often enticement.
Example of announcement
This Sunday, 17th of August 2009 is the independence day
Don’t miss the independence day festival !!! the festival begins at 08.00 in every district in Palangkaraya City . Gather in front our school at 07.30 to see the parade with the pricipal. Don’t miss it!!! And join many contests at school. Free registration, full of prizes!!!
- a recount tells readers what happened to someone.
Structure : 1. a scene setting opening
2. a recount of the events that happened
3. a closing statement
Langguage : it uses past tense
The events are put into chronological order
It uses action words
Note : this is my storry, and realy story.
Last week, I felt dizzy . my bodies felt sick. I had dronk paracetamol, but I stayed felt dizzy and my bodies was sick.
Then, my father to delivered me go to doctor. Finished, I sick malaria, DBD, and tipes. Doctor gave me medicine and now, I had healty
Narative text
Narative is story in there problems and solution.
Caracteristic of langguage :
- use along time, ago,once upon time.
And use simple past tense.
Structure : a scene setting opening
Problems or complication
The problems or complications are resolved
Langguage : it is written in thrid person
The events are in chronological order
It uses dialogue
Example :
- story snow white
- cinderella
- princess mermaid
generic structure :
*orientation : sets the scene and introduces the participant
*evaluation : a steping back to evaluate the pligh
*complication : a crisis arises
Procedure text is to give someone instruction about some thing ia achieved through a sequence of steps.
Structure of the text :

Langguage Features:

♫Procedure For Curing a Skin Fungal Infection
♫Goal or Aim : to cure a skin fungal infection known medically as “tinea pedis”
♫Materials needed : antifungal ointment,clean water,soap,and towel.
Steps Needed:
Wash the infected area
Dry the infected area
Rub the ointment gently into infected area
Repeat steps 1 to 3 twice every day
Continue treatment for at least one week
Consult your doctor or pharmacist if there is no important.
Dipakai untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang selesai pada waktu lampau.
Past tense dibagi menjadi empat bagian :
- Simple past tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang terjadi dimasa lampau dan dan tertentu juga,tetapi tidak ada hubungannya dengan waktu sekarang.
Formula :
¨Subject + to be ( was / were )+…..
¨Subject + verb II+….
♣ She was in the classroom yesterday
♣ He borrowed my motorcycle last week
Keterangan waktu yang sering dipakai dalam simple past tense:
♣ Last Sunday = minggu lalu
♣ Yesterday = kemaren
♣ Last week = minggu lalu
♣ In 1998…. = ditahun 1998
♣ Last year = tahun lalu
♣ Last month = bulan lalu
♣ An hour a go = sejam yang lalu
♣ Ago = yang lalu
♣ Yesterday night = kemaren malam
♣ A few minute ago = beberapa menit lalu
- past continues tense
digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang langsung / sedang terjadi di masa lampau.
Formula: subject + to be ( was/were ) + verb ( ing ) + ……
Example : I was speaking english all time last Sunday
I was reading a newapaper yesterday
Keterangan waktu yang bisa digunakan dalam past continues tense:
While = sementara
The whole day last week = sepanjang hari minggu yang lalu
At 7 o’clock yesterday = pada jam 7 kemarin
All day yesterday = sepanjang hari kemaren
As = ketika
C. Past Perfect Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang dilakukan pada masa lampau dan aktivitas selesai sebelum kejadian lain masa lampau, juga waktu sempurna lampau.
Formula : subject + had + been +…..
Subject + had + verb3 +……
Example : she had been classroom
I had written the letter before I want to south korea
Keterangan waktu yang sering digunakan dalam past perfect tense
♣ until = hingga
♣ before = sebelum
♣ by the end of = menjelang akhir
♣ after = sesudah
♣ just = baru saja
♣ as soon as = segera sesudah
♣ already = selalu
♣ when = ketika
D. Past Perfect Continues Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang dimulai pada masa lampau dan berlangsung, juga selesai pada masa lampau.
Formula : subject + had + been + verb (ing) + ……
Example : he had been working in unilever
It had been in the diningroom
Keterangan waktu yang sering digunakan dalam past perfect continues tense :
♣ for = selama
♣ after = sesudah
♣ before = sebelum
♣ when = ketika
♣ since = semenjak
Digunakan untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum ( general statement of the fact ) kebiasaan sehari-hari ( hebitual activities )
Formula of present tense
(+) he/she/it + V1 + s/es
(-) he/she/it + does + not + V1
(?) does + he/she/it + V1
Example : (+) he work in the office everyday
(-) he does not work in the office everyday
(?) does he work in the office everyday?
Formula :
(+) I/ you/we/they + V1
(-) I/you/we/they + do+ not + V1
(?) do + I/you/we/they + V1
Example : (+) I study everyday
(-) I don’t study everyday
(?) do I study everyday?
- How do you greet other people?
♣ Good morning/ afternoon/evening
♣ Hello Resti
♣ Hello Yunita
♣ How are you?
♣ How’s everything with you ?
♣ How’s life
♣ How are you geeting along?
♣ How are you doing?

- how do you introduce yourself?
- Let me introduce my self, my name is Yunita
- Hello I’m Yunita
- Hi, I’m Eva Merdekawati. You can call me Eva
- Hello, my name is Evi Merdekawati
- how do you introduce other people?
- I would like to introduce Nunik Devitasari
- I would like you to meet Resti
- Excuse me, let me introduce you a new friend His name is Park Jungsu
- how do you close or end your conversation ?
- well, I should be going now. See you!
- I’ m sorry, but I have to go now. It’s been nice talking with you. See you later.
- Well, I must be off now. I’ll talk to you later!
Autobiography tulisan yang menceritakan tentang riwayat hidup kita sendiri.
Write autobiography use simple present tense and simple past tense.
Steps to write autobiography:
Line 1: your first name
Line 2: descriptive traits
Line 3: sibling of
Line 4: lover of ( people, ideas)
Line 5: who feels
Line 6: who needs
Line 7: who gives
Line 8: who fears
Line 9: who would like to see
Line 10: resident of ( your city )
Line 11: your last name
Autobigraphy of Yunitasari Annisa
My name is Yunitasari Annisa. I am a girl has spirit,beautiful smile and I am honest. I am lover of korean Artist, I like music specially is korean music. I always joy everything , I allways need entertain, because I allways fell boring. I allways gives smiles,happies and friendship to all. I am very fear,if my parents and all people go,so that I am only a lone in the world, and I am very fear , if Leeteuk is sad. I am very fear if Super junior no active. I want a contentment for all living things. Do you know? My parents very love me and I am very love my parents. My last name is Annisa, so my long name is Yunitasari Annisa……
Analyze characters,setting etc purpose in order to we know characters of figure, setting of story.
Analyze character
We could also analyze character by realizing yhe different traits the person as personality wise, like if the character is soft spoken, wise mean to certain people, prejudise,etc.
To comprehend and express
The meaning of short functional and simple identification of stories.
Present perfect tense is used for describing a past action’s effect on the present:
- He has arrived, now he is here
This holds true for events that have just been secuded as well asfor event that have not yet occurred.
Present perfect is formed by combining have/has with the main verb’s past participle form:
- I have arrived
A negation is produced by inserting not after have/has:
- I have not arrived
Questions in present erfect are formulated by starting a sentence with have/ has:
- Has she arrived?
Past perfect tense is a kind of tense that is used to describe an action or an event that started in certain time in the past and completed of finished till certain in the past too; r past perfect tense is used to express an action or an event that had happened before the other event or action happened.
The Pattern:
+) subject+ had + verb III + complement
-) subject+ had not + verb III + complement
?) had + subject + verb III + complement
+ we had eaten before they come
-we had not eaten before they come
? had we eaten before they come?
*S+ have/has +verb III+O/Adv
they have spilt our ink
I have bought some candles
Often time student are not able to communicating clearly what they would like to say.
It is purpose of this lesson to help student to need to be articulate and precis when explain steps to another student. In addition the student listening will learn to be amore affective listener.
Goal: students will understand to need to be articulate when comunicating
1. The student will use descriptive eplications to guide another student in completing the task
2. The student will explain the importance of being articulate and the frustation when directions are unclear.
Background Information:
This activity will teach to explain what they see guide another student in reproducing the drawing by what they are told.
Concepts: student will able to:
1. Explain and articulate the steps to reproducing a drawing
2. Follow directions as closely as possible
3. Communicate with follow students to accomplish the givven task.